Clay Cross is bidding for millions of pounds of regeneration spending as part of the Government’s Town Deal programme.
The first phase of the local consultation finished a few weeks ago and asked for your thoughts about how the town could be improved further for the long-term. You can find the results here:…/clay-cross-town-investme…. There was a huge number of ideas that came forward - from redeveloping the centre of the town to new workspaces to a new leisure centre.
North East Derbyshire District Council are now running a second, more detailed consultation on some do these options and ideas - and they want to hear from you! Take the survey and make sure your views are included:
This survey closes on Friday 21st August.
In addition, during the first consultation, a number of residents fed back that meetings would be helpful to discuss options and thoughts. Therefore as well as the survey, Lee Rowley MP, Cllr Alex Dale and Cllr Charlotte Cupit, the Leader and Deputy Leader of the District Council, will be holding a Zoom meeting on Monday 17th August for any resident to join to talk more at 6PM. Email to access the log in details.
On Thursday 20th August Lee Rowley MP will also be hosting a socially distanced, covid secure drop-in session at St Barnabas Centre, Pilsley Road, for residents between 12 and 1. There’ll be limits on the number of people who can be in the room at a single time due to coronavirus so please do register your interest with Lee's office by emailing and securing your space.
Getting this right is hugely important for Clay Cross and so do complete the survey, attend the Zoom or attend the drop in.